A lesson based on 11.10 Gender equality in the Bible. This lesson includes images, tasks, a plenary etc. - tweak to your liking. Some tasks require the textbook.
Two worksheets based on 3.12 Prayer and Posture -
First worksheet consists of knowledge based questions and a 12 marker: ‘Postures for prayer don’t matter. What is important is that people pray’.
Students are to read the boxes and highlight arguments for and against the statement.
The second worksheet is an extension of the first with the same 12 mark question with more detailed answers.
Answers provided - tweak to your liking!
A lesson based on 11.9 Roles and responsibilities within the family. This lesson includes images, tasks, a plenary etc. - tweak to your liking. Some tasks require the textbook.
This resource includes 15 recap questions from the following topics:
Chapter 1: Creation
Chapter 2: Incarnation
Chapter 3: The Triune God
Chapter 4: Redemption
Chapter 5: Church and the KOG
Chapter 6: Eschatology
The answers are also in the notes section
A detailed lesson on the significance of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension. This lesson has worksheets and questions based on the AQA B textbook.
A revision resource that includes exam style questions that can be used within the lesson or as homework. This PowerPoint is based purely on chapter 6. The answers can be found in the notes section of the PowerPoint, acocmpanised with the AQA B Catholic Christianity Revision Guide.
A detailed lesson on Salvation (past, present and future). This lesson has worksheets and questions based on the AQA B textbook. It includes youtube links etc.
This resource can be used for homework or as an assessment.
Students are to answer exam questions.
The following slides include potential answers that the teacher could use to go through with students.
This lesson was used for an assessment feedback lesson. You can use these questions for an assessment and go through this PowerPoint when you are done. The answers are very detailed and there are a lot of images. It includes the following questions: 1 marker, 2 marker, 4 marker, 5 marker and 12 marker. Feel free to tweak to your liking!
A detailed lesson on St Thomas Aquinas and Natural Moral Law. This lesson includes youtube videos, images and questions for students to answer. Very straight forward lesson - tweak to your liking!
A thorough assessment based on the following topics:
Catholic Christianity
Chapter 2: Incarnation
Chapter 3: Triune God
Chapter 4: Redemption
Islam and Themes
Chapter 7: Islam Beliefs and Teachings
Chapter 11: Religion, Relationships and Families
Chapter 12: Religion, Peace and Conflict
All topics include a 1 mark, 2 mark, 4 mark, 5 mark and 12 mark question
A revision resource that can be used within the lesson on Religion, relationships and families. It covers all the topics in Chapter 11.
Note: The information and images are layered.